A Message From the Heart

By Natalie

Sometimes one must write down their thoughts in order to make sense of things.

If there’s one thing I’m ready for in my life it’s complete honesty. Beginning with myself, and then to others. No person, and no task gets very far without sincerity. I figure if I actually plan on passionately pursuing my writing this time around then I need to lay it it all out. The good, the ugly, and the just plain depressing. The only way I am truly able to express myself is through being genuine. I have so many stories to tell, and dreams to hope towards that have been overflowing in my mind. It’s about time I do myself a favor and organize my thoughts. I’ve needed a place to stash all of my memories. A place to share my blessings, and a place to simply ramble.

I’ll start with something simple to break the ice… it seems appropriate in this moment to make a somewhat embarrassing confession. I absolutely love Pork Rinds. I know, such a small thing. Yet I would never admit it to people, or even purchase them, for risk of what people will think of me. Even my husband! This is the man who sees me at my worst when I am sick, when I am exhausted, and when I’m grumpy before breakfast. How could I be so embarrassed to tell him that I would much prefer a bag of pork rinds than a box of chocolates every now and then? Not often of course. I mean goodness could you think of something less healthy? Just very rarely, it’d be nice to splurge on my favorite snack.

I am proud to say that the cat is finally out of the bag! I love pork rinds! There, I said it, and I’ll tell you a secret… I feel a million times lighter.


2 Comments on A Message From the Heart

  1. Ashley Poe
    February 22, 2014 at 7:55 pm (11 years ago)

    Now I know what to get you for your birthday!

  2. Nem Peters
    March 2, 2014 at 11:46 pm (11 years ago)

    Pork rinds?!?! Hilarious! I had no idea!


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