October 27th 2014 archive

On Kisses Goodbye

By Natalie

I read somewhere that a husband is blank% more likely to have a better day when his wife kisses him goodbye in the morning. I don’t remember the exact percentage. Let’s just say 98%. Because I think it’s true. Let’s not worry where I read this statistic, nor it’s validity, because why? Why not take my word for it? And also, I’ve looked around, and can’t seem to find that article I found years ago.

Since reading that fabulous statistic I’ve tried my very hardest to do so. It makes sense right?


Gee will Brandon leave with a good start to his day in a great mood if I say “Goodbye Babe I love you. Have a good day.” And give him a kiss as he goes. Or… if I say “You didn’t [take out the trash, put your shoes away, etc.]” With my back turned as he shuts the door? I need your imagination here. I have my hands out in front of me palms face up. One hand is a foot lower than the other. Shall we weigh the options? I’m pretty sure if you ask your spouse they’d prefer the first option. Yea? And hey, I’m not perfect. Those examples didn’t come out of thin air.

It’s sort of hard to do sometimes. Isn’t that awful? Sometimes life gets the best of us, and we don’t even mean to let our spouse walk out the door without letting them know we love them. Sometimes we don’t kiss them goodnight because he’s still brushing his teeth and preparing for bed, and my head hit the pillow half an hour ago. Expressing love takes intentionWrite that one down.. Life gets in the way. Kids soak up the best of you. Breakfast and dinner aren’t going to cook themselves, and work is draining. I get it. But your spouse still needs some sort of care in there. You’re a team. So start simple, give kisses goodbye. And if you’re feeling generous give kisses hello! Those are important too.

With Love,
