May 2019 archive

Where You Were Born

By Natalie

Dearest Felicity,

Today we had to say goodbye. We visited the place where you were born and had to walk away just the same. It didn’t make too much of a difference to you but it was bittersweet for me. My heart holds on to things, unable to let them go. Today I’m grieving the loss of this birth center. Walking into the farewell party felt warm, felt like home, surrounded by dozens of women who shared in the same care that I did. Dozens of babies your age and younger crawled and played across the floor. (more…)

Weekend Adventures

By Natalie

After making it through the first few hard months of caring for our infant we decided to keep our goals for the year small, but intentional. A personal goal of mine is to remember people’s names better when I first meet them. Remembering someone’s name always makes them feel noticed and that’s what I strive for. I’ve always been terrible at this and I think I’ve actually been doing better these past few months simply by being mindful. (more…)

On My First Mother’s Day

By Natalie

She won’t remember these days but I will.

When the sun begins to rise we pop open the blinds, Felicity in my arms. A ritual we do every morning for our houseplants to get some sunlight. Sometimes we squint our eyes and I talk about how bright it is. Sometimes it’s cloudy and I tell her it looks like it’ll rain today.

I set her down in her walker. She presses the music button as I kiss her head. My hand runs through the hair on the back of her head and I think to myself how much I love her. She straightens her legs out, confidently running across the kitchen.
