4 Ingredient Dog Treats
By Natalie
Felicity and I made these super easy dog treats for Bingley and all of our doggie friends. She loves getting on her learning tower to help make smoothies or help pour ingredients for pancakes. My amazing baker friend Pam taught me to let Felicity crack an egg in a separate bowl and pick the shell out. She often hits it on the counter for a little crack and then squeezes it over the bowl until it bursts which is actually pretty fun to watch. Since then I’ve incorporated some mommy daughter baking mornings to our schedule.
Because we have so many doggie friends I thought it’d be fun for Lici and I to make dog treats. We picked up a bone cookie cutter at Michael’s for under a dollar and got right to baking. This recipe made around 12-13 treats. Though that is a bit of a rough estimate considering Lici was eating the dough. I realized while making them that this was the perfect thing to bake with a toddler because the dough was edible. She loved working the blender and pressing the cookie cutter into the dough.
We doubled this recipe so we’d have more treats to give out. We put some washi tape on the bottom of these baggies and wrote our dog friends names on them for us to deliver! After feeding a few to Bingley Felicity could not wait to give them out to all the dogs she knows. With lunchtime approaching we only had enough time to quickly pop over to our neighbors and give their dog Trixie her treats. Felicity was so excited to feed it to her! We’ve since been delivering treats all week, she’ll tell the pups to sit for their treat and then she sort of throws it at them. I loved that this was a simple way to allow her little generous heart to grow.

4 Ingredient Dog Treats
Dog Bone Cookie Cutter
Parchment Paper
- 1½ cups Rolled Oats
- ½ cup Peanut Butter
- 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1 Ripe Banana
Preheat oven to 350°
Pour your oats into a blender and blend until you have a fine powder. It should resemble flour, but a few larger chunks of oat won't hurt.
Pour your oats in a mixing bowl.
Place your banana, peanut butter and melted coconut oil in the blender and blend until smooth. Add more coconut oil if your peanut butter is on the drier side.
Put a large sheet of parchment paper on the counter and sprinkle some of your oat flour on it to prevent sticking.
Scoop out the blender mixture into the oat flour bowl. Mix with a spoon or spatula until you have a dough.
Place your dough on the parchment paper. You can either roll out your dough with a rolling pin or flatten it with your hands, dough should be around ¼ inch thick.
Cut your treats out with whatever cookie cutter you've got and place them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
Press a fork in the center of your treats. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes. Treats should be golden and crunchy!