Advent Calendar 2021

By Natalie

Happy December 1st! You didn’t think I’d end today without an advent calendar post did you? Last year’s advent calendar was such a hit, I decided to do it all again! I love the look of the advent calendar this year with the live garland and lights dressing it up! Plus the sock snowmen and pom tree that we made last year. 

Last year I spent a month planning 25 Christmas themed activities to do with Lici. We watched Christmas movies with cocoa, made Christmas treats, and did all sorts of crafts. I loved this new Christmas tradition and the memories we made together last year but this year was a little different for multiple reasons. For one Felicity is in school 3 mornings a week so I had to plan easy activities for us to do in the morning before her school day. Secondly, I’m working 1 morning a week at Lici’s preschool. Third, I’m still getting my bearings with the first Christmas season of my shop. I’ve spent the past month planning, creating and chatting with local mamas about Christmas orders and have had my hands full prepping orders. Lastly I’ve also been leading a small women’s group with my sister in which I decided to write my own curriculum. It’s been emotionally taxing as well as healing and life giving, so though it’s taken a huge chunk of my time to do my research for this group I’m also digging into the word and loving leading these wonderful women in their walk through trauma.

Though I have alot on my plate at the moment I didn’t want any of those things to take away from Felicity’s Christmas season. So I cheated a little bit. I purchased a fall themed activity/craft box from a pair of local moms in early October. Felicity loved it so much, I knew that the winter box would be perfect to use in her advent calendar, saving me tons of time. Every activity included focuses on literacy or numeracy. With adorable crafts that include things like cutting practice, tracing, and matching. They also focus on fine motor skills, which of course I’m all about!

There were a couple of activities that we did last year that I wanted to continue this year. Last year my friend Kristin came over and we all  watched The Polar Express in our jammies and drank hot cocoa. I wanted to continue that this year, I think it’s so sweet to have our own advent traditions so we planned that on a day that she could come over again! After filling out the calendar with some of our other favorites from last year, I used the crafts and activities included in the Winter Joy box from The Box Full to fill out the rest of the days.

Here is this year’s calendar! You can get your own Winter Joy craft activity box from The Box Full here. I spoke with one of the creators when I stopped by her home to pick it up a couple weeks ago and she was so sweet! Every day in the calendar below that has a green dot in the bottom right corner is a craft or activity from The Box Full. They made my life so much easier this season with everything already prepped and included in the box. They also offer downloads if you want to print the activities at home!

Now for all of the adorable prep photos! Each bag includes a numbered wooden village piece, a craft or activity, and this year I added these advent scripture cards which I printed on heavy cardstock. Last year I got cloth dolls for Felicity’s doll house for the first day so I included a few little wreaths for her dollhouse on the first this year. I also included a nutcracker ornament on the 4th to let her know that we are taking her to The Nutcracker ballet for the first time! Squeal! I can’t wait. Other than those I save any toy type things for Christmas! Tags here.

This was the look I got when rest time was over and I was still frantically trying to piece everything together. I told her there was a big Christmas surprise in the room and I needed five minutes to hide it!

Worth the wait little girly!

I want to end this post by saying that this isn’t all necessary and it isn’t for everyone. I have a huge love for crafting which my mother shared with me and I love sharing that with Felicity. You should share whatever your love is with your little one this season! If it’s building with legos then a lego advent might be sweet! If you love to bake then it should be baking treats every day! And also let me know about that so I can come over for some! Or if you love Christmas movies, watch Christmas movies all month, make popcorn and create new cozy memories with your kiddos doing whatever it is that you love ♥


2 Comments on Advent Calendar 2021

  1. Sara Markham
    December 2, 2021 at 3:13 am (3 years ago)

    This is the cutest thing ever! ❤️

    • Natalie
      December 6, 2021 at 1:44 am (3 years ago)



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