Big Belly Days

By Natalie

We’re nearly there can you believe it? The third trimester has been treating me fairly well. We’re at 37 weeks and as prepared as I think we can be by this point.

How I’ve Been Feeling: Physically

I’m having a hard time being on my feet for too long especially outside in the heat. Sometimes I feel like I’ll just tip right over! I bought myself a pair of memory foam slippers a couple weeks ago which has been the greatest justice for my feet around the house. They’ll be going in the birth center bag.

I’m sleeping better these days which I think is a combination of running lavender essential oils at night, taking melatonin before bed and finally being settled and unpacked in the house. Wondering where everything would go kept me up at night more than I realized.

How I’ve Been Feeling: Emotionally

I’m a little touchy. Tears can come pouring out at any moment the past couple weeks. Last week I found myself in a funk. Partly I think it was hormones and partly I think I was stressing that our due date is fast approaching and we didn’t have some major necessities for baby. We’ve since bought and received all those things which felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

I’ve had a little anxiety recently that I’ve kept under wraps. I’ve been worrying about what my marriage will look like after we welcome this baby into the world. No longer will we be able to focus solely on eachother, but our attentions will soon be split between eachother and the baby. I’ve been fixated on how that’s going to work. Am I still going to be able to care for Brandon like before? Am I going to be able to keep my cool when we’re both so tired? Is he still going to go out of his way to care for me when I’m a grumpy mess?

After a good worship session in the car I felt God whispering in my ear not to fret so much. That this little girl will not be a hinderence in our marriage but a beautiful expression of our love. That she would bring us closer than we’ve ever been before and we will figure it out. I’m choosing to believe in that truth.

I still have to:

Decide on and purchase our glider.

Pack our go bags.

Cook some freezer meals for postpartum.

I’m excited about:

The rock and play we got for Brandon’s office to put little girly down for a nap when I want to grab a shower.

Meeting this girl outside of the womb and sitting comfortably again sans gargantuan belly.

5 Comments on Big Belly Days

  1. Grandma Poe
    June 14, 2018 at 6:17 pm (7 years ago)

    We always enjoy your sharing with us. Those of us who have given birth, know what you are talking about–sometimes variations, but very similar. Brandon will be there for you and that is a great comfort.

  2. Kathie Munro
    June 14, 2018 at 9:01 pm (7 years ago)

    Your´re looking good and we´re excited about hearing about the birth of our new great-niece! Won’t be long now!

  3. Nadir Lawrence
    June 15, 2018 at 12:50 am (7 years ago)

    That belly!!!!!😍 Go on a “glider date” at buy buy baby & pick one you’ll both love, you’ll be spending a loooot of time rocking, nursing & sleeping there💗 Sometimes you can find a nice basic rocking recliner at a furniture store too😊

    • Natalie
      June 24, 2018 at 2:25 am (7 years ago)

      Thank you!!


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