Lici’s First Birthday Party

By Natalie

Our baby girl is so grown up. This past weekend we celebrated Felicity’s first year of life. Perhaps it’s all in our heads but ever since her birthday Felicity seems to have changed. Maybe it’s because we don’t look at her as a little baby anymore but as a toddler.

There’s a lot of things I could say about the party but I think I’ll keep it short and simple today. These pictures seem to speak for themselves.

I have to be honest and tell you how pleased I am with these beautiful wreaths. Since Felicity was born I haven’t made many crafty things aside from knitting a few headbands. I had a vague idea of what I wanted and managed to quickly pick out some pieces from Hobby Lobby. I loved putting them together! I’ll probably try to keep them up in our dining room as long as I can until Brandon makes a mention of this overly girly decor in our space. Then they’ll probably go in Lici’s room!

Aren’t those ranunculus so pretty? I think they’re my new favorite flower.

We’re so spoiled by our beloved friend Pam. She’s our sitter, macaroon maker and cake baker! Her macaroons are better than Amelie’s.

Can you believe this gorgeous cake she put together? We were so honored!

Clearly Lici enjoyed her smash cake.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of Felicity’s life this past year! We’re so blessed to have such a generous and supportive community. We love all of you and look forward to your influence in our daughter’s life and our own!

5 Comments on Lici’s First Birthday Party

  1. Nem Peters
    July 10, 2019 at 9:48 am (6 years ago)

    Everything was perfect! So glad we were a part of the celebration 🎉 Your baby girl is so cute in all the pictures 💗

    • Natalie
      July 14, 2019 at 11:46 pm (6 years ago)

      Thank You! And thank you for being there!

  2. Grandma Poe
    July 10, 2019 at 11:58 pm (6 years ago)

    Thank you, for sharing these pictures. We wish that we could come and see all of you. I believe it is time to say “Happy Birthday” to Lici’s mommy, too. I was going to call, but realized I didn’t have a phone # for you. I will need to correct that. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Natalie

    • Natalie
      July 14, 2019 at 11:48 pm (6 years ago)

      Thank you!


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