On His First Father’s Day

By Natalie

On Brandon’s first father’s day weekend he spent his entire Saturday building this beauty of a baby gate. Seems appropriate. It sort of happened by coincidence. We were struggling to find a decent gate for our stairwell so as most things go when we can’t find exactly what we’re looking for, Brandon decided to build one. I found a similar mock up here and Brandon agreed to make it! It also sort of flows well with the banister on our front steps.

I get all emotional just thinking about how difficult this past year would have been without him. I can’t raise this girl without his help and I’m so grateful that he loves us girls so well.

When Felicity was a couple days old Brandon could hardly sleep through the night. He woke one night and looked at me, then looked under his pillow and asked, “Where’s Lici?”

I chuckled. “She’s in the cradle.” I whispered, pointing to the cradle next to me. He peeked over, then plopped his head back down on his pillow. That’s one of my favorite moments of the newborn days. We were both completely disoriented. He’s since slept better through the night as Lici has but his concern for her wellbeing is still there. He’s always sure to be vocal about who is watching her at every moment. He’s in tune with her breath, her demeanor, her temperature. I’m ashamed to say how many fevers he’s caught before I did. Instinctually he’s a worthy protector.

But not only is he protective, he’s way more fun than I am! There’s a time to be watchful over Felicity’s movements, so she doesn’t hit her head on the fireplace and a time to play, seeking any thrill they can together. He tosses Felicity in the air, lets her balance seated on his hand, taught her to walk, zooms around the house with her, Bingley barking at his heels, he sits with her at his drum set banging away on the drums. He’s instilled this high adrenaline thrill seeker quality into our daughter while I instill reading and gentleness. It’s so sweet to see the well rounded girl she’s becoming.

Almost every weekday I bring Felicity into his office when she wakes from her afternoon nap. She always looks a little bigger after a nap and she usually has something to babble about. They sit for a minute spinning in his desk chair. He loves her dearly.

I love him for the care he shows to our daughter. For making a baby gate on his weekend. For coming down to help with breakfast as badly as I wanted to bring it to him in bed as he did for me on Mother’s Day. Felicity was running a fever overnight and cooking bacon plus making coffee with a clingy baby on my hip was all just a little too much.

I love him for making so much of our furniture and his dream of fixing up our house. Even if it does seem like we bit off more than we can chew! I love him for his intensive care of our little girl and for me.

My Dearest, you’re the best dad a girl could ask for and the best husband a wife could ever dream of. I’ll love you until my very last breath. Having children is the best decision we’ve ever made. Here’s hoping the next 20 some odd years are good to us.

2 Comments on On His First Father’s Day

  1. Nem Peters
    June 24, 2019 at 6:59 pm (6 years ago)

    I thank God for bringing Brandon into your life 💙 He does love you girls so well and it gives us such peace of mind since you live so far away.
    Absolutely in love with the baby gate and I want one! It looks better than any store bought Happy Father’s Day to your love 💙

  2. Nadir Lawrence
    June 25, 2019 at 1:55 pm (6 years ago)

    Awww! I love the bond that Lici has with Brandon💗 He’s such a sweet, fun daddy!


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