Samson, My Samson

By Natalie

Today I miss you.

Most days I miss you.

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The sweet dog smell that I loved to take in for the first time in my life. I miss our cuddles. I miss how you laid behind me while I cooked. I miss how happy you would get when we’d come home. I miss your sweet low groans when you’d get excited about something.

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I loved watching you play. I loved rescuing you. I loved giving you a home. I loved the feeling of attachment I had with you. But it made it so much harder. I can’t explain to you the traumatizing emotions I felt when I had to see you in the shelter after you were taken away. Dozens of dogs barked constantly around you. Volunteers screaming behind closed doors. And there you sat in your own filth because who has the time to take out a dog who’s on death row? I want to forget the nightmare. I want to ignore that they never gave you the toys I left. I want to forget how you whined in confusion while you watched me walk away.

But I never want to forget the last time I held you. In that small little room, just the three of us, and with tears in my eyes I tried my best to apologize to you.

I am so sorry my Samson. Sorry I couldn’t give you a better life. Sorry the opinions of people hold so much value. But thanks sweet boy, for being such a joy to me while I had you. For teaching Brandon and I to grow closer together through it all. For showing us who true friends are. And simply for being the light in my life that you were.

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5 Comments on Samson, My Samson

  1. Nadir L
    June 19, 2014 at 9:59 pm (11 years ago)

    The sweetest boy I’ve known! He knew how much you loved him & you provided such a happy home for him. Thinking of you & praying for you both.

  2. Hackie
    June 19, 2014 at 10:47 pm (11 years ago)

    He was a good lap dog.
    I have found memories of my legs falling asleep with him that one time.

    • Natalie
      June 20, 2014 at 12:36 am (11 years ago)

      :] Still have that picture of him in your lap Hacker! So sweet. Those are the things I like to remember.

  3. Jessica
    June 20, 2014 at 4:31 am (11 years ago)

    He was so loved and fortunate to have a love like yours and Brandon’s. He’s probably bragging about it in heaven… As he boasts about how unconditional your love was for him even when he ate your Starbucks pants….

    • Natalie
      June 20, 2014 at 11:20 pm (11 years ago)

      Yes my Khakis Jess! How could I forget?
      Thanks girl :]


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