To the Zoo With You
By Natalie
A poem for our beloved Riverbanks Zoo.
To the zoo with you, little girl that’s two.
To see lions and tigers as feisty as you.
To the zoo with you, to see caiman so small.
As you watch in wonder, at the creatures who crawl.
To the zoo with you, little one full of wonder.
To see reptiles and snakes and the leaves they hide under.
To the zoo with you, to watch grizzlies so enormous.
The seals in their tank give quite a performance.
To the zoo with you, to see flamingos so bright.
Into the birdhouse to watch horn bills in flight.
To the zoo with you, to discover new species.
Ramble on and on about all of their qualities.
To the zoo with you, to admire goats who climb.
Just as you like to do all of the time.
To the zoo with you, to see the baboons grooming.
To feed lorikeets as they fly by us, zooming.
To the zoo with you, to hug the orangutan statue.
To ride round in the train the goes, chugga-choo.
To the zoo with you, my sweet little one.
To ride the carousel just for good fun.
To the zoo with you, my little animal lover.
May the world’s care for them soon be rediscovered.
To the zoo with you, and back home again.
We’ll come back to visit now and then.
Kristin Zalaquett
March 17, 2021 at 12:12 pm (3 years ago)Love love love!!