Baby Fried Rice

By Natalie

I had to share this easy 3 ingredient recipe I came up with for the babe. Fried rice is a staple in our household. It’s one of Brandon’s favorite meals to make. He usually fries it up with chicken, but it’s easily converted to vegetarian. In this recipe I subbed rice for cauliflower rice and I suppose it’s not technically fried but it looks like fried rice! Felicity loves each of these veggies on their own so much that I decided to combine them all and call it baby fried rice!


  • Cauliflower rice
  • Peas
  • Carrots

I steam the cauliflower rice and peas from frozen which makes this meal super easy to whip up for dinner. I usually boil carrots in a large batch because our little bunny loves a good carrot stick. I split the fried rice in separate jars and heat it up a bit before mealtime, then dump it on her tray for her to eat. Felicity loves finger food.

Also notice ↓ that sweet little lefty we have. Brandon and I are both left handed. Crossing our fingers that our kiddos will be too!

Nom nom nom!

She’s developing some great fine motor skills at mealtime.

Picking up peas is hard work.

But so rewarding.

Sweet little cauliflower face!

All done mama.

1 Comment on Baby Fried Rice

  1. Nadir Lawrence
    April 8, 2019 at 1:37 pm (6 years ago)

    Yummmyyyyy!!! Good job sweet Lici!!!💗


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