Life Lately

By Natalie

38 Weeks

39 Weeks

Hello 39 weeks. I thought it’d be forever until you got here. And hey! Thanks for letting me keep my ankles this summer. Our due date is tomorrow! Let’s see how long this little girl wants to stay cozied up in my womb. These last couple weeks have been dragging on as I’ve been settled in our home and awaiting this sweet baby girl. Sometimes I find myself sitting in front of her cradle imagining her in it. Or I’ll linger by her nursery admiring the cozy space we put together for her.

I don’t think there’s anything left to prep! Which seems to be good and bad since she could really be here any day or within the next couple weeks! There’s a Poe family get together here in Charlotte next week. No pressure. I’ll be twiddling my thumbs all week in anticipation just like the rest of you.

Here’s how we’ve kept busy lately.

We took our last class all about labor and delivery at the birth center last weekend. The videos we sat through made me all sorts of emotional!! Our class was an all day thing so we decided to send Bingley to doggie daycare. He always comes back filthy ensuring he had a grand time romping and playing outside with other pups. He begrudgingly received a hose down in the backyard when we got back which is so much easier than tub baths! 

I spent two days prepping a week’s worth of freezer meals which was a huge task I’d been wanting to check off my list. I had some help from my friend Ruthie last Friday which made chopping and prepping go by much faster.

Here’s a list of the meals I made.

My mom is in town! Time to walk this baby out!

Also, let me introduce you to the angel of my pregnancy! ↓ My Chiropractor. Dr. Marla has been a huge support to me during the past 9 months I had to get a photo with her to put in the baby book.

I’m feeling good aside from feeling extremely uncomfortable. The discomfort has been making these last few weeks seem long but I’m trying to soak in our last moments together just us. We finally made it out to Food Truck Friday in Dilworth with some friends which we’ve been wanting to do since we moved here!

We also made it out to our last date night at Firebirds which was delicious and filling! But not so filling that we couldn’t take dessert to go! I’ve been on a key lime pie kick and I couldn’t pass that up.

Is it ok that I’m already thinking about the importance of continuing our date nights after this girly arrives? I want to spend time together bonding as a family of course but at some point I think I’m going to feel that itch to get back out with my hubs just us and take some quality time to focus on eachother. Luckily we have a few trusted friends who’re up for snuggling and babysitting our little girl when the time is right. I’m just putting this here as a reminder to myself that it’ll be ok to leave her in good hands for a short bit and remember that before I was ever a mother I was and still am a wife.

6 Comments on Life Lately

  1. Nem Peters
    June 29, 2018 at 2:48 pm (7 years ago)

    You are BEAUTIFUL!!! So glad mom is there. Enjoy your time with her 😊
    Yes, being a mother can be all consuming and it’s important to remember that you’re also a wife. You may not always be able to have a date night every week, so find simple ways to remain connected at home too 💗 Wish I lived closer to babysit 😭

  2. Nem Peters
    June 29, 2018 at 2:50 pm (7 years ago)

    Let me know which freezer meals you liked the best so I can try them too 😊

    • Natalie
      June 29, 2018 at 9:34 pm (7 years ago)

      Will do!
      It would be so nice to have date night swaps!

  3. Fitoru keto
    May 11, 2020 at 4:49 am (5 years ago)

    It’s so refreshing to read stories like this. I’m glad to read a part of your life. Also, I go for freezer meals, too.

    • Natalie
      May 22, 2020 at 12:20 am (5 years ago)

      Thank you!


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