I’ve been working on a little piece for the mothers today, and it seems so perfect to finish it on such a lovely morning. Can I just tell you how much I adore mornings? No, not weekday mornings where I’m in denial that in 10 minutes I can get ready, make my coffee, pack my lunch, feed Bing, and walk out the door. Weekend Mornings, Holiday mornings, vacation mornings. Where you can sleep in, and hubby has breakfast prepared when you wake. Those are the ones I live for. When It feels so beautiful out that I decide to go ahead and put my sundress on for the day, and sip my coffee while watching Bingley’s desperate attempts to catch a fleeting butterfly. Do I even have to mention the birds? Chirping is happiness, and I bask in it, just as much as the sunlight.

Now, for the mamas…
Happy Mother’s Day of course. Seems so silly really to dedicate one day to you, when you deserve to be praised every day. Because being a mom is about being there everyday, and every night. I’ve spoken on the subject before here.
If you were wondering what my mom is like this picture of her walking me down the aisle describes her to a tee.

Mother’s Day is kind of a big deal to my mom. And I don’t blame her, cause you know, she raised us on her own. Mother’s Day is hers, and recently Father’s Day has been dedicated to her as well. As she juggled the roles of mom, and Dad. I don’t believe I could ever do that alone, or as well as she did. There was one night when I was confused about why we were moving for the 5th or sixth time, and I sat in my room packing my things rather angrily. My mom came in and sat on the floor next to me, and she apologized. She apologized that she couldn’t give me more, and that we were always uprooting, and I’m sure she was hoping one day I would understand. Now… I do understand. I wish my mom never felt the need to apologize for the wonderful life she blessed us with. She must know that she was an incredible example of an obedient, and strong woman of God. She always put us girls first. She prayed for our safety, and futures daily. And we are only the women we are today, because she was faithful in those things.
There are so many motherly figures in my life that I feel deserve their shout outs today.
To my mom – I love you, and thank you.
To my beautiful aunt – Thanks for teaching me to cook! And always taking us in as your own.
To my loving sisters – You are my best friends, and I can’t thank you enough for providing me with guidance and wisdom.
To my Mama Poe – Thank you for welcoming me into your large, and beautiful family. One of these days, I really just need to let you teach me to garden.
To my sister-in-laws, and cousins – You’re all fabulous mothers, as I’m sure you know. Your examples of motherhood are as much precious to me as your children.
Cheers to you mamas, have a fabulous day!