Felicity Take Over

By Natalie

Hey there. Felicity here. Taking over.

Isn’t that fun? I’m getting so big and have lots of updates.

This was my Nana’s dress. Or my great aunt Kathie’s. Nana can’t remember. Maybe my Great Grandma Poe remembers, or Grammy.

Isn’t it pretty?

Let’s get right to it shall we?

We drove to Fredericksburg for Christmas. I don’t like car rides that are that long anymore. But we made a few stops and Daddy made me laugh.

Have you met my daddy? He’s pretty fun.

I spent alot of time with my cousins.

Did you know that I have 7 cousins?

Plus 6 aunts and 5 uncles. Aunt Ashley knit me this top, but I was too sleepy and cranky to smile for a picture.

My first Christmas was pretty great.

I visited mama’s favorite donut shop. But I wasn’t allowed to eat one yet.

Mama takes me everywhere.

It’s exhausting. Especially when she’s looking for books.

I have one tooth coming in so far. Mama put some frozen blueberries in this feeder for me to suck on. I couldn’t put it down.

I started eating pretty well. My favorite foods are broccoli, sweet potato, peaches, banana, spinach, peas & squash, and pears.

Mama is also trying to teach me how to drink a couple sips of water in these new cups.

I started sitting up all by myself.

I also started crawling. I like to get my own toys out of the basket.

I crawl everywhere. It’s really wearing Bingley out.

I’m usually trying to take Bingley’s toys and bones, but I’m learning that they’re not baby toys and we have to give Bingley some space.

He’s been very well behaved. We became instant friends one night when I threw him a green bean at dinner.

I put myself to sleep now. Mama turns my sound machine on and I get a little sad and rub my eyes, but then she puts me down and I roll around until I get comfortable which is usually on my belly.

She always comes back for me when I wake up so I guess it’s alright.

I think that’s everything! I love my family alot and they say I’m a sweet girl. ♥

See you soon!


3 Comments on Felicity Take Over

  1. Nadir Lawrence
    February 9, 2019 at 5:01 pm (6 years ago)

    Sweet sweet girl! Can’t wait to kiss your cheeks soon!💗


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