Hey guys, summer’s here.

Actually it’s been here for a couple weeks. I’m just beginning to get my bearings.

Because, as the lady from camp mentioned “Girlie, you got your hands full.”
Cue Caleb spinning, and giggling down the hall, Ryder close behind squealing as his backpack strings bounce behind. Grant picks up pace, and I pick up mine, until I have to actually jog, because they’re all now in a full on sprint toward the door.
School is out, which means this kiddo ↓ gets all the pool time he can dream of. But you better believe that come nap time, after the wet clothes are hung to dry for the next day, and the lunch dishes are put away, Caleb and I curl up together to read a book.
I read a couple chapters out of this Magic Tree House book during spring break just to see if he’d like it. Then, when Mommy came home he’d jump up and down excitedly talking about our book’s characters, Jack and Annie.
My sisters read with me when I was little, and always encouraged me to get lost in books. As an avid reader, Caleb’s receptiveness made my heart full.
I read a chapter a day, and just last week we finished it!
Proud nanny moment.

Our first week was all adjustments, and rule testing, and swim suits, and snacks, and parks, and heat, and timeouts, and giggles. Rough days, and perfect days.
But now. I think we’ve finally jumped into the swing of things.
Ryder started camp our second week of summer, which meant we were driving up to Davidson. Caleb, Grant and I killed a few hours each day, doing something different.
The last day we pulled up to camp Ryder said “Yay camp! See you later guys!”
Ryder loves some individualized attention. Camp meant he got just that, and by the end of the week he was all about it.
Monday, we packed our towels, and lunch, and laid out at Ramsey Creek Park’s new swimming beach.

Tuesday, we went for a stroll on downtown Davidson’s streets in search of a coffee shop I’d bookmarked on Yelp. I stepped out back with my mocha in hand, and Caleb asked if they could play on the playground. That’s right. Perfectly placed behind this coffee shop was this mini playground. I sat down on the brick steps and watched them play. Kept them entertained long enough for me to finish my coffee, and kill enough time until the mini golf place opened.
Mini golf.. Boy that was an interesting adventure. We had sunscreen, shades, hats, and water… But man oh man that sun was beating down on us. Halfway through, the heat got the best of my charges.
“Caleb, remember what I said in the car?” I said as Caleb laid on the green in frustration.
“We’re just here to have fun. It’s ok if you don’t make it in the hole. And do you know what else? I’m proud of you for waiting patiently for others to play. But right now another family is waiting their turn, so you may not lay here, and block their way just because you are frustrated.”
He hops up, and I’m surprised as usual when my pep talk actually works. He plays a few more holes, and finally looks up at me and says “Ma-alie, I’m hot. I’m done.”
The sweat droplets chasing eachother down my temples told me that was just fine.
I grabbed Grant’s hand, and we veered off the course.
When we got to the top we returned our clubs, and said thank you.
But that red ball. Grant was not giving it up. He went boneless on me, refusing to be alright with the fact that I put away his ball. I picked him up so he could see it. The girl behind the window kept it open for us.
“Say buh-bye ball. We’re all done.”
G looked at me, then the ball. He waved at the ball, and we walked on.
Again… When they trust me enough to try what I’m offering them, it’s gold.

Wednesday, and Thursday we spent the day at Jetton Park.
Playgrounds, trail walks that lead to gazebos, and a lakeside lunch.
Does it get any better?
You are never too cool for your nanny. Let that be known.
Caleb grabbed my phone, and snapped these sweet moments.
Then he said, “Aw send that one to mommy, she will lub it.”

Relaxing? At first, yes. Then it was all spitting into the cracks. Because, boys.
Also, Grant. Forever learning the tricks of the trade from his brothers. ↓
Oh me.

Lastly, this view from the volunteer parking lot on Sunday… Icing on the cake.